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About the Book

for curious people

About the Book

From Kobe, Japan to Brooklyn, NY—Rebbetzin Rochie Pinson takes us with her on her fascinating challah journey. In RISING! Rochie shares her experiences and the insights gleaned during decades spent perfecting the art of challah baking and teaching challah workshops around the world. In her wise, warm, and humorous voice, she guides the reader through every step of the rewarding process of making challah, all the while sharing tips, tricks and great stories.


This cookbook/memoir is a work of art, with over 75 gorgeous, full-color photographs by acclaimed photographer Monica Pinto, charming illustrations throughout by Lucy Engelman, and hand-lettering by Rochie Pinson.


The recipes are triple-tested and time-tested and destined to become classics in your family. Rochie Pinson’s classic recipe alone is reason enough to buy this book. You will not find a more perfect challah recipe. But don’t stop there… gluten-free challah, sourdough challah and exotic challahs from around the world are just some of the treats you’ll find within.


This is the cookbook for beginners and experts alike. Nothing intimidating or complicated here, every recipe is meant to be used, cherished, and passed on to the next generation of challah bakers. 

What's in the Book?

Q&A with the Author

Scroll down for the list and book specs

I'm confused... is this a book or a cookbook? The short answer is, yes. This is a cookbook that was born from a story, and a desire to share everything there is to know about challah. So while it's full of recipes and how to make challah, it's also full of knowledge, inspiration and good stories. Basically, you'll use it to make the challah, and then sit down for a good read while eating said challah.


Who took these gorgeous photos? Her name is Monica Pinto. She lives in a little town in Portugal, and yes—crazy person that I am—I flew her in to take the photos for the book. When you see the book, you will understand.


And illustrations too? Yes, I can't help myself. I love pretty things. So, I had Lucy Engelman make us hundreds of beautiful little drawings to enhance the book, and let's not forget the step-by-step illustrations of 37(!) different braiding techniques that she painstakingly drew for us.


So can you give me a sneak peek? Well, let's talk about the recipes first! There are 38 challah recipes, and they include all the classics, plus challahs for every holiday, exotic challahs from every pocket of Jewish communities around the world, ways to embellish a perfectly good challah to make it extraordinarily irresistible, recipes for things to make with extra challah dough and leftover challah.... I could go on and on.


Any healthy options in a book of challah? Yes! A very important recipe in the book is my very own Gluten-Free Oat Challah that is a genuine challah, (with the blessing of Hamotzi recited on it) and so good, it will make your tongue do a little dance! It is the best recipe for GF challah out there. Believe me, I have searched. I also include extensive sourdough instructions, and an actual Sourdough Challah recipe! Of course, there are also Whole Wheat recipes, and Spelt Challah... the list goes on!


It's 360 pages! What else is in this volume? The history of challah, and the deeper meanings. The connections between challah and life. The story of my own crazy journey in life and challah comparisons. The many laws and customs connected to challah, from every culture and throughout the ages. So many fascinating challah facts and stories... Also- over 37 different braiding techniques, all illustrated step-by-step! It's been suggested to me that this would also make a great coffee table book. You may need to buy 2.


I'm scared to make a challah on my own. Is a book really going to help? I think of challah making as one of those lost arts that used to be passed down from Mama to daughter, but which lots of us need to figure out on our own in this modern world. So throughout the book, I am there to be your loving guide through the process. Answering every question, predicting every mishap, providing you with step by step directions, and lots of helpful tips!


Who's the publisher? How do I get myself a copy, or 10,000? My publisher/book distributor is Feldheim publishing, you can buy it on their site. They are really good about getting books into stores, and of course on the web at places like Amazon. But if you happen to see a store that isn't carrying RISING! and you think it should (and of course it should) please let me know!


Can you come to my house and make challah with me? Probably not. Unless you bribe me with cake. I'm easy like that. But I do plan to do a book/challah workshop tour. We can chat there! Please let me know if you have a favorite bookstore, or community venue, or book club...that you'd like to add to my tour. And who knows? Maybe we'll even bake challah together, it's happened before.


Specs and Lists

(as promised above)

Published/Distribution by: Feldheim Publishers

ISBN: 9780991472048

Dimensions: 8X11

Binding: Hard Cover / 352 pages / Lay flat binding /


Section I: The Story of Challah

  • Musings on challah as a recipe for an elevated life

Section II: The Cookbook

  • The most comprehensive guide to challah-baking ingredients, equipment, and techniques ever published

  • 38 unique, time-tested challah recipes, including , , , a challah for each Jewish holiday (such as ), challahs from around the world (such as and ), plus recipes for leftover dough and challah, and many more!

  • 37 illustrated braiding techniques with step-by-step instructions

  • Over 75 gorgeous, full-color photographs

Section III: Laws & Customs of Challah

  • A fascinating compendium of the history, customs, laws, and significance of challah in Judaism

Book Tour



Not just a book tour. A challah workshop/book tour.


It's in the works. Stay posted.


If you want to add a location to the list... Reach out!


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